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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Resolve to be Ready

It is that time of year again. While you might be thinking holiday activities and the merriment, I am thinking about New Year’s resolutions.

I am a bit of a list junkie. I have a list of projects at work, a list of things I want to buy, a list of projects around the house, a list of fun activities to do. New Year’s resolutions fall right in with the other lists.

A couple weeks ago, I started thinking about my next year’s resolutions. The top of the list is generally lose weight and exercise more. . . . then I received an email about FEMA’s “Resolve to be Ready” campaign. What a great way to capitalize on all of us list makers!

Working in emergency management, I am constantly exposed to what it takes to be ready for the unexpected; make a plan, build a kit and stay informed. Adding preparedness to my resolutions should be a slam dunk.

I would give myself about an 85% in my level of preparedness. There are a few things that I can easily complete to bring me closer to 100%:

1) Update my communications plan (yes, I have one, but in doesn’t reflect the changes in work numbers or some of my new doctors).
2) Add current rabies vaccination information and information about new veterinarian (I have got to watch out for my dogs).
3) Add work gloves back to my kit (they got repurposed to gardening gloves when I put in a winter lawn).

I might be taking an easy way out . . . choosing a resolution that I am already 85% there. But hey, maybe that will give me the momentum to do as well on my other resolutions.

And it doesn’t hurt to be ready.

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